Termite Control Services, Bangalore Karnataka

termites life cycle

Termites are considered as destructive pests in the world. They have the ability to chew through the woods, floorings and wallpapers undetected. Termites not only infest residential properties but also attack commercial properties.

Signs of Termite infestation

  • Blisters in wood floorings
  • Hallowed or Damaged wood
  • Mud tubes - straw like tubes
  • Droppings
  • Evidence of Swarms

Termite Treatment Bangalore

Subterranean, Formosan and Drywood are the most common types of termites. Click India pest control offers termite control services. Our professionals inspect your place and come up with possible solutions at an affordable price. We provide solutions for active infestation and termite prevention. There are two classified ways to approach termite infestation

Pre Construction Termite control

This method involves protecting the properties from termite infestation. We use chemicals that provide long lasting effects and act as a termite barrier.

  • There are four stages involved
  • Stage 1- Foundation treatment
  • Stage 2- Backfill
  • Stage 3- Treatment External Periphery
  • Stage 4- Targeting area around the drainage pipe

Post Construction termite control

This method is carried out after witnessing termites infestation. Drilling, Filling and Sealing are carried out by our professionals ensuring that no damage is caused to your property while the services are being offered.